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Football lovers can get information regarding rules and clubs of football and soccer’s at sports info grated

ID: 1108174

The main aim of the game is to kick a goal by kicking ball in opposite team’s goal. The main aim of the game is to a kick ball in the opposition goal and at the same time don’t allow opposition to having the goal in your post. The main rule is one can only use hand to play it.

(IINews) - New York , August.2014 – There are many soccer lovers, but they are not aware of rules regarding it. But no one can get an idea regarding all the rules of it so that it will make it easy for them to play. The rules for soccer are very simple like it has two team with 11 players where 10 re on the field while the 1 is the goalie. The main aim of the game is to kick a goal by kicking ball in opposite team’s goal. The main aim of the game is to a kick ball in the opposition goal and at the same time don’t allow opposition to having the goal in your post. The main rule is one can only use hand to play it.
New Delhi, 13-08-2014- Football lovers always love to watch the Spanish league football which is run by association. The league is divided into the different division. The first division is operated by LFP while the second and third are by LFP and RFEF respectively. The fourth division Spanish league is under RFEF and other 17 federations of different regions. The last is by regional federation only to arrange the football in home town. This league is always helping in hometown Spain.
The footballer lovers are very keen on all the information regarding it. The most amazing is about the world richest football club which is none other than Real Madrid, which is in Spain. There are many other such clubs which are very costly and also are well equipped. The other clubs following it are Manchester United, Arsenal, Bayer Munich, AC Milan, Chelsea, Juventus, Manchester city, Liverpool and many more. All these clubs spread in different parts of the world. These are some of the clubs where the entire football lover’s dream about.
The sports infographics is the best source for anyone who wishes to get details of different sports especially soccer and football. It will not increase their knowledge but also will inspire to maintain interest in such games. Many people dream to play soccer and football in all the world famous clubs. The infographics give information about all the rules and also the other important information about games. It also gives an interview of differed players that will inspire people to continue their interest in games. One can get information regarding the history, rules and even techniques to play from here. One who loves sports can increase their knowledge and have the best experience of life. It is the only place where sports are given importance, and also people are interested to see it.

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Datum: 15.09.2014 - 14:14 Uhr
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News-ID 1108174
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