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Habitat Hunters - Hot Real Estate in Austin Texas

ID: 856309

Habitat Hunters is a full service real estate firm with a reputation for excellence and dedication. Real estate all across the United States is on the rebound and home prices in Austin continue to see positive improvement.

(IINews) - Habitat Hunters is a full service real estate firm with a reputation for excellence and dedication. Real estate all across the United States is on the rebound and home prices in Austin continue to see positive improvement. Choosing the right real estate firm to work with is critical.

Services offered by Habitat Hunters include purchasing, selling, consulting relocation and leasing. Steps for purchasing and selling residential and commercial properties are thoroughly outlined for clients. The process is streamlined to ensure quality of service in all transactions. Consulting engagements are structured to maximize value for clients.

The expert team of REALTORS at Habitat Hunters is experienced and well trained. REALTORS® are a step above real estate agents and should not be considered in the same category. The difference between REALTORS® and agents has to do with training, level of expertise and an additional code of ethics and standards. Superior service also sets Habitat Hunters apart from an ordinary Austin real estate agency .

No other Austin real estate agency can match the personalized service or rapid response time of Habitat Hunters’ REALTORS®. Repeat clients and referrals make up a large portion of the Habitat Hunters’ clientele. The firm has been in business since 1972, and has maintained the same central Austin location since 1985. Longevity, stability and dependability solidified Habitat Hunters’ place in the Austin community.

Investors, families and other home buyers know Austin real estate maintains its value and is a low risk investment. Return on investment and potential cash flow on rental properties, commercial and residential, are opportune. There has never been a better time to buy or sell real estate, so don’t settle for an ordinary Austin real estate agency.

For additional information on services please phone toll-free (800) 482-8651 or visit A REALTOR® will be happy to answer questions or schedule a consultation. Enjoy the surge in real estate sales and contact a Habitat Hunters' REALTOR® today.

Habitat Hunters Real Estate Services
503 West 30th Street
Austin, TX 78705
Office: 512.482.8651
Fax: 512.482.8656
Toll-Free: 800.482.8651
E-mail: habitat(at)

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: alishahgillani
Datum: 18.04.2013 - 21:43 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 856309
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Amy Jesson

Austin, TX, USA

Telefon: 512.482.8651




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