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5th International Next Generation Access Network Forum FTTx

ID: 291628

13 - 15th December

(IINews) - Fibre is widely accepted as the future-proof technology to meet the growing demand for bandwidth. At IQPC's 5th International Next Generation Access Network Forum FTTx from 13 - 15 December in Berlin, Germany, delegates will meet with companies from all industries involved in the fibre business, including telecommunications und utilities companies, cable and service providers, ISPs, city carriers, municipalities and technology suppliers, as well as hear case studies and insights into technologies, new developments and current and upcoming regulations.

Conference day one on Monday, 13 December, will focus on FTTx technology and the regulatory landscape for Next Generation Access (NGA) Networks, with a highlight presentation from Dr Jos Huigen, Director Regulatory and European Affairs, at KPN N.V. in The Netherlands on the European NGA regulations.

Various topics will be presented on 14 December, ranging from business opportunities through fibre investments, fibre network architecture and design and the potential of FTTH through sound in-house connectivity. FTTH case studies from the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, Finland, and HeLi NET Telekommunikation GmbH & Co.KG, Germany, will provide insight from differing perspectives of the FTTH spectrum. A further highlight will be a presentation from Emanuel Kleindienst, CEO from Init Seven AG, Switzerland, on what he calls the "disastrous" situation of the Swiss FTTx landscape, possible solutions and coordination strategies.

During the Workshop Day on 15 December, delegates can choose from parallel workshops focussing on FTTx architecture, practical cornerstones for operating an FTTH network, chances and benefits from fibre infrastructure for municipalities and evaluating technology choices for FTTH deployments.

Visit the FTTx download centre at for free articles, whitepapers and podcasts.
Further information and the full conference program are available on

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IQPC provides business solutions around the world with tailored practical conferences, large scale events, topical seminars and in-house training programs, keeping them up-to-date with industry trends, technological developments and the regulatory landscape. IQPC produces more than 1,500 events annually around the world, and continues to grow.

IQPC has offices in major cities across six continents including: Bengaluru, Berlin, Dubai, London, New York, Sao Paulo, Singapore and Sydney. IQPC leverages a global research base of best practices to produce an unrivalled portfolio of conferences.


PresseKontakt / Agentur:

Mark Reichmann
Friedrichstraße 94

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: Adenion
Datum: 09.11.2010 - 15:31 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 291628
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Mark Reichmann


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Freizeit & Hobby


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