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Medicines - the billion dollar business in the pharmaceutical industry

ID: 188225

Compared with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung says the board of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Heating Carl Mueller that he was very concerned. The KBV, consumer protection, relief funds and politicians called for stricter rules.

(IINews) -
For controversial studies are doctors paid more and more of the pharmaceutical industry, criticized the confederation of KBV.
85,000 times the doctors had taken part in 2008 at one of the 329 studies, 2009, the number of participating physicians increased by five percent. In these studies, which have long been controversial, doctors monitor the effects of new resources to their patients, often without their knowledge.
Such a doctor receives for each participating patients 10 to 1,000 euros, says Müller. The often lie on the documentation and training costs, which could be a doctor can provide. The producers had made in 2008 about one billion euros in sales growth with appropriate drugs. According to the KBV would become this year one in four of the nearly 150,000 cash doctors be involved in such studies, Mehrfachteilnahmen went as each individual cases in the statistics.

The relationships between the major pharmaceutical industries and scientists are not for the layman to see through many times. The leading employees of corporations are not stupid, they are mostly trained human or natural scientists, the studies and reports spread by the media, which apparently healthy or not healthy. They do so because the profit is more important than health. The truth is hidden and it will be bought scientist falsified research or manipulated and concealed facts unloved. Most physicians are aware of this practice and it is many doctors still do not care.
John was 30 years Rengen top seller in the pharmaceutical industry and in that time it was one of his tasks to bribe witness to push through approval of new drugs. In an interview with Jo Conrad, he said that he only became aware of how dangerous this common in the pharmaceutical industry practices, and some may affect one's health than his own son should be vaccinated.
Source publication with only proof!

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Wolfgang Fiedler was born on 23/12/1956 in Landau an der Isar (Bavaria) and now lives with his family near Hassloch. He is a writer, amateur cook and barely. Employee.


Wolfgang Fiedler
Lützel Street
67,459 Böhl-Iggelheim
Wolfgangfiedler56 (at)

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Wolfgang Fiedler
Lützel Street
67,459 Böhl-Iggelheim
Wolfgangfiedler56 (at)

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: FiedlerWolfgang
Datum: 12.04.2010 - 13:44 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 188225
Anzahl Zeichen: 0






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