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“Life Is For Dealliving,” According To New Irish Daily Deal Site

ID: 798591

Daily Deals Are All The Rage These Days, And Now Is Here To Shake Things Up!

(IINews) - is a brand new Irish daily deal site. believes that going out, shopping, traveling, and dining are all integral parts of life, but are best at great prices and through discounted deals. Who doesn’t love a good sale? was created so that customers can search the site as well as receive daily emails that will inform them of the various deals that the site has found. The deals that are featured on fall under many categories: Deals for Him, Deals for Her, Gadget Deals, Morning Quickie, and Deals on Wine. For those that are curious in its unique name, the Morning Quickies will be especially discounted deals that cannot be found elsewhere online. These days will not last long, thus requiring customers to check the site daily to see what is in the Morning Quickie section.

Deals from will soon be available through various apps in mobile app stores. A app is being developed for iPhone, Android, and Blackberry users. The app will make it even easier for customers to keep track of the stellar deals that are being featured on the site. is a 100% Irish company that has a money back guarantee on all of its deals. Customers can now go on the DealLiving website and register in order to gain access to the company’s exclusive deals.

If interested in contacting regarding becoming a featured product on the site, or if there is a question or inquiry that needs to be directed to them, visit DealLiving online at and contact them via their website here.

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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: alishahgillani
Datum: 18.01.2013 - 11:12 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 798591
Anzahl Zeichen: 0

Ansprechpartner: Paul Boland

Dublin, Ireland

Telefon: 717-733-0321




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