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EXTEDO Opens New Office in Shanghai

ID: 1513797

(PresseBox) - ovider of Regulatory Information Management solutions, today announced their plans to open a new office in Shanghai, China following major growth and success in the region. In addition to the new Shanghai office, EXTEDO already has offices located in Germany, the UK and US.
With six reseller and consulting partners already within the region, including two in China, EXTEDO already has a strong presence in the Asian market. The introduction of the electronic Common Document Format (eCTD) for submissions planned for 2018 will broaden the need for local expertise and technology solutions. Through an established, local team EXTEDO plans to build on this position.
?Over the past 9 months, EXTEDO has successfully acquired 30 new customers within the Chinese market. This adds to our over 700 customers worldwide?, said Martin Schmid, Managing Director, EXTEDO. ?With the planned introduction of eCTD in China in 2018 we see a significant opportunity to support the region through the EXTEDOsuite and our 20 years of industry knowledge. Our new Shanghai office will become the center of excellence for the region.?

EXTEDO was founded in 1996 as a department of IABG with a simple vision: to help life sciences organizations ensure Effortless Compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements. EXTEDO is the only vendor that provides solutions covering the entire regulatory landscape. The EXTEDOsuite combines innovation with compliance, and quality with usability. From Product Registration Planning & Tracking, to Submission Publishing & Lifecycle Management, to Pharmacovigilance Management and Document Management, EXTEDO optimizes eRegulatory business processes.
Today, EXTEDO enables more than 35 regulatory authorities and over 700 maintained customers across 60 countries to deliver Effortless Compliance. Our clients range from small CROs to large multi-national pharmaceutical organizations.

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Unternehmensinformation / Kurzprofil:

EXTEDO was founded in 1996 as a department of IABG with a simple vision: to help life sciences organizations ensure Effortless Compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements. EXTEDO is the only vendor that provides solutions covering the entire regulatory landscape. The EXTEDOsuite combines innovation with compliance, and quality with usability. From Product Registration Planning & Tracking, to Submission Publishing & Lifecycle Management, to Pharmacovigilance Management and Document Management, EXTEDO optimizes eRegulatory business processes.
Today, EXTEDO enables more than 35 regulatory authorities and over 700 maintained customers across 60 countries to deliver Effortless Compliance. Our clients range from small CROs to large multi-national pharmaceutical organizations.


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Bereitgestellt von Benutzer: PresseBox
Datum: 24.07.2017 - 15:59 Uhr
Sprache: Deutsch
News-ID 1513797
Anzahl Zeichen: 0


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